You are here: Edit Mode > Using Detail Tools > Sharpening an Image

Sharpening an Image

You can use the Sharpen tool to sharpen an image by enhancing medium and high contrast edges.

You can save your settings as a preset for future use.

To Sharpen an Image Using Sharpen Tool:

  1. In Edit mode, in the Detail group, select Sharpen.
  2. Drag the sliders to enhance or fix your image as described below.
  3. Do one of the following:

Click Reset to clear your changes and reset to default settings. If you saved your changes, you cannot reset your settings.

Sharpen Options


Specifies the amount of sharpening applied by increasing contrast around the edges.


Controls the number of pixels to adjust around each edge. Higher values increase the number of sharpened pixels and tend to bring out coarser detail, while lower values reduce the number of sharpened pixels and tend to bring out finer detail.


Suppresses the halo, (the light border that forms around edges with extreme sharpening), by reducing its intensity. The higher the value, the stronger the reduction.


Specifies how different the pixel lightness values within an edge must be before the pixels within the edge are sharpened. Higher values sharpen only stronger edges but minimize the appearance of noise. Lower values sharpen both strong and weaker edges, but can increase the appearance of noise. We recommend you set the threshold to enhance edges while keeping background noise to a minimum.

You can right-click a slider to reset to the default value.

You can use the Edit Brush to paint this effect onto specific areas of your image.

You can use the Gradient tool to transition this effect across specific areas of your image.

You can use the Radial Gradient tool to apply effects around, or directly to, a center point.

See Also: