You are here: Edit Mode > Using Detail Tools > Removing Noise

Removing Noise

You can use the Remove Noise tool to remove noise from your images while preserving details that you want to retain.

You can use the Remove Noise tool to remove hot image pixels caused by digital cameras with malfunctioning CCD array sensors, or the extra pixels caused by a dusty scanner or camera lens.

You can save your settings as a preset for future use.

To Remove Noise from an Image:

  1. In Edit mode, in the Detail group, click Noise.
  2. Select the Remove Noise tab.
  3. Set the options as described below.
  4. Do one of the following:

Click Reset to clear your changes and reset to default settings. If you saved your changes, you cannot reset your settings.

Noise Removal Options


Removes noise.


Removes noise using a 3 x 3 pixel square.


Removes noise using a 3 x 3 pixel X shape. Use this option when you want to preserve an image's thin and diagonal lines.


Removes noise using a 3 x 3 pixel plus (+) shape. Use this option when you want to preserve an image's thin, vertical, and horizontal lines.


Removes digital camera noise. Adjust the following sliders to further remove noise:

  • Luminance: Reduces the random variations of brightness in the noise.
  • Color: Reduces the random variations of color in the noise.

You can right-click a slider to reset to the default value.

You can use the Edit Brush to paint this effect onto specific areas of your image.

You can use the Gradient tool to transition this effect across specific areas of your image.

You can use the Radial Gradient tool to apply effects around, or directly to, a center point.

See Also: