You are here: Edit Mode > Using Detail Tools > Adjusting Clarity

Adjusting Clarity

The Clarity tool adds subtle definition to the details in your image. Use the Clarity tool to enhance the contrast of midtones in your images, without overpowering the shadows and highlights.

You can save your settings as a preset for future use.

To Adjust the Clarity of Your Image:

  1. In Edit mode, open the Detail group.
  2. Select Clarity.
  3. Drag the Strength slider to the right for greater clarity, or to the left for reverse clarity.
  4. Do one of the following:

You can also type a number into the number box and incrementally make precise adjustments.

You can right-click a slider to reset to the default value.

You can use the Edit Brush to paint this effect onto specific areas of your image.

You can use the Gradient tool to transition this effect across specific areas of your image.

You can use the Radial Gradient tool to apply effects around, or directly to, a center point.

See Also: