You are here: Edit Mode > Using Add Tools > Adding Text to an Image

Adding Text to an Image

You can use the Add Text tool in Edit mode to add formatted text to a photo, or add talk and thought bubbles to create a comic-book effect. You can also adjust the opacity of the text to create a watermark effect, which is useful for putting copyright information onto your photos.

You can save your settings as a preset for future use.

To Add Text to an Image:

  1. In Edit mode, in the Add group, click Text.
  2. Type the text you want to add in the Text field.
  3. In the Font area, specify the font you want to use, the formatting options, such as italics or justification, and the color of the text. Drag the Size slider to specify a point size, and then drag the Opacity slider to specify the transparency of the text.
  4. Click and drag the text marquee to reposition it anywhere on your image, or drag the marquee's handles to resize it.
  5. Select an option from the Blend Mode drop-down list to specify how you want the text to blend into the underlying image.
  6. Do one of the following:
  7. Do one of the following:

Add Text Options

Bubble Text Settings


Encloses your text in a comic-book text bubble with a pointed stem.


Encloses your text in a comic-book text bubble with a dotted stem.

Stem Angle

Specifies the direction of the text bubble stem. Drag the arrow to adjust the angle.


Specifies the thickness of the text bubble border.


Specifies the length of the text bubble stem.


Specifies the background color of the text bubble. Click the arrow to select a color.


Specifies the color of the text bubble border. Click the arrow to select a color.

Effect Settings


Specifies the effect you want to apply to your text. Each effect has different options that control its appearance. Drag the sliders to adjust the appearance of the text.

Drop Shadow Settings


Specifies the distance between the drop shadow and the text. The higher the value, the farther the shadow and the higher the text appears.

If a drop shadow is cut off, or has a noticeably sharp edge, you may need to increase the size of the text rectangle.


Specifies the amount of blur applied to the drop shadow. Sharp shadows tend to seem less realistic than those with a slight blur.


Specifies the darkness of the drop shadow where it falls on the image.


Specifies the direction of the imaginary light source that creates the drop shadow. Drag the arrow to adjust the angle — note that this also adjusts the shading of the text bevel.

Bevel Settings


Specifies how much of each letter's edge is bevelled. Higher values give the text a more rounded, smoother look.


Specifies the difference between the highest and lowest points on the text. Higher values heighten the difference between the flat portions of the text and the bevelled edges.


Specifies the height of the imaginary light source that creates the bevel's shadowed effect. Lower values produce longer shadows on the text, while a higher value produces a more direct lighting effect and shorter shadows.


Specifies the direction of the imaginary light source that creates the bevel effect. Drag the arrow to adjust the angle — note that this also adjusts the angle of the drop shadow.

You can right-click a slider to reset to the default value.

See Also: