You are here: Edit Mode > Using Add Tools > Adding Drawings to Your Image

Adding Drawings to Your Image

You can use the Drawing Tools in Edit mode to add lines and shapes, such as squares, circles, and arrows to your image. You can also adjust the width, feathering, and blending of your brush, which is useful for creating subtle and dramatic drawings.

To Draw on Your Image:

  1. In Edit mode, at the top of the panel, select from the following tools:




    Drag over the image to draw a free-flowing line.


    Drag over the image to create rectangle. Press SHIFT as you draw to create a square. To fill your shape with color, ensure that the Fill checkbox is selected.


    Drag over the image to create an ellipse. Press SHIFT as you draw to create a circle. To fill your shape with color, ensure that the Fill checkbox is selected.


    Drag over the image to draw a straight line. Press SHIFT as you draw to create a vertical or horizontal line.


    Drag over the image to create an arrow. Press SHIFT as you draw to create a vertical or horizontal arrow.


    Drag over the image then release. Next, move your mouse to create the curve and click to set.


    Click to set the corner points of a polygon, then double-click to connect the start and end points to complete the polygon. To fill your shape with color, ensure that the Fill checkbox is selected.

  2. Select from one or more of the following options (Note: options vary depending on the tool selected):





    Select a color by clicking the color boxes at the top right of the panel to open the Color dialog, which displays a dialog of swatches to choose from. If you are drawing a solid shape, such as a rectangle, the top color box defines the color for the outline of the shape. The bottom color box defines the color that fills the center of the shape. If you want your shape to be a solid color, set both color boxes to match.

    Nib Width

    Drag the Nib Width slider to set the diameter of the brush measured in pixels. You can also adjust the nib width with the mouse wheel or by right-clicking on the image to reveal the Nib Width sliders.



    Select the Fill checkbox to fill the shapes you draw with the selected color.


    Select the Nib Width button to reveal the Feathering slider. Drag the Feathering slider to set the blurring radius of the brush. You can also right-click on the image to reveal the Nib Width and Feathering slider. Or, you can also hold down SHIFT while using the mouse wheel to adjust the feather radius, represented by the dotted circle.


    Drag the Opacity slider to specify the transparency of the brush strokes.



    Select an option from the Blending drop-down menu to affect how your brush strokes blend with your image as you draw.

  3. Drag over the image to draw.

You can right-click a slider to reset to the default value.

See Also: